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DJ Jon Swift - Spinning Around

Jon Swift on VXRadio

Jon Swift
  Name     Brad Allan  
  Occupation     Butcher  
  Music Style     Mainly Jungle, all styles. Plus Speed Garage.  
  Years Spun     a little over 2 years  
  Production Groups     6th Halo  
  Sign     Scorpio  
  Age     21  


Place: Mexico, I'd love to be able to afford to go back
Person: My Friends
Hero or Mentor: There are too many to mention
Sport: Hockey
Car: I'm a Porsche guy, but I'll settle for anything that isn't domestic.
Food: Lasagna
Animal: Can't say I have a favorite
Book: Tao Te Ching, by Lau Tzu. Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card.
Film: The Usual Suspects (best ending ever), and of course, the Stars Wars Trilogy
Season: Right now, cause it's freakin' cold out, summer
Colour: uuuuh, blue if I have to choose
Piece of Gear: Thought I was going to say turntable didn't cha.....
yeah....I'm going to have to say tech 12's

DJ Jon Swift spinnig a stellar set

DJ Jon Swift spinnig a stellar set

"[Perfect Night]: A really good party, with just my friends, and good music, like the good ole days. Funny how things
seem perfect in hindsight.."

Regret: That I lose touch with friends sometimes, although I'm always trying hard to regain touch with them. It's never too late to mend a regret, unless you're dead.
Fear: That I'm actually severely mentally handicapped,
so handicapped that I think I'm totally normal, and
everybody's just smiling and nodding, and giving
me weird looks. (Sketchy!!!)
Perfect Night: A really good party, with just my friends, and good music, like the good ole days. Funny how things
seem perfect in hindsight.
Virtue: I used to be patient, although I think I may have lost
that one somewhere. So I'll say, forgiveness.
Defect: I can be a little too obsessive over small things
Worry: Did I forget something?
Kiss: Better make it a good one
Something to Solve: I like a good, endless, philosophical debate. One with no right answer.
Frustration: A philosophical question with no right answer
Doubt: That I'll ever get a real job.
Challenge: To make mixing records interesting. I get bored of styles and genres, the same old cuts, the same old
mixes. I'm always trying to find new things to do.
Things you never do:
Listen to that old Cliff Vermete Track, it'll tell ya everything you need to know.
(Wayne G - Worse things I could do)
Dream: That I'm actually severely mentally...right, I already
used that one.
Hope: To be able to do the things I love, without having to
worry about money.
Memory: A party about two years ago last December. It's
where I met alot of the friends I care about today, and had a really good time with some old ones.
Vice: Thinking too much

Sex: It's great when it comes my way. But I don't go out
of my way to find it.
Love: There are alot of different kinds of love, all of them are great.
Music: A part of everything human. Our culture, our lives ourselves, our nature, and our being.
Vancouver: The place of my birth, and a nice place to visit.
Heaven: Is what ever you want it to be.
Hell: The opposite of whatever you want heaven to be.
Deity: There is no all powerful being, rather a completely powerless emptiness. Just follow the way.
Lust: Can lead you astray, but it's great fun.
Friends: The one thing I couldn't live without.
Fashion: Wish I could afford it.
Angels: I can't say I believe in the mythological creatures, but there are similar creatures walking amoung us. I'm going to go and visit one as soon as I'm done this quiz actually.
Demons: You need demons so you can have angels.
Aliens: Possibly
Happiness: It's hard to notice until you've passed right by.
VibeXtremeTime: The one and only limiter.
War: A part of our nature it seems.
Religion: Don't believe it just cause god will be mad if you don't.
Peace: True peace is hard to achieve, but life would be boring without any conflict. We shouldn't worry about world peace, but instead peace with ourselves and those important to us.
Death: Is inevitable.
TV: Is great for when you want to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! A modern form of meditation, stare into it and clear your mind for a while. I think some of us just meditate far too much.
Pain: Is a part of life not death.
Reincarnation: I guess we'll all find out, huh?
Life: Is a gift.
Past: The greatest lesson you'll ever get.
Future: Is inevitable
Success: Is hard to achieve.
Perfection: Is impossible to achieve.
Excellence: Is easy to achieve with a little effort.
Parties: All I know is, I'll never stop going to them.
Future of dance music: Who knows
Justice: Shanon Elizabeth's character in Jay and Silent Bob
Traveling: Personally, I don't like it. I like the destination, but I hate getting there.
Miracles: I don't believe in them.
Family: I think they raised me right
The Internet: One of the only truly great technological wonders we've created.
Truth: Is hard to spit out sometimes, but it's always for the best.
Communication: yep.
Youth: Not for long.



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